

About Me

*Winnie has been adodpted!*

Hello, CBHR! My name is Winnie, and I was a sad dog when I was pulled from an animal shelter in eastern North Carolina, but my journey has been uphill from there! I’ve had a number of medical issues treated, and my amazing fosters have been working with me to help me adjust to the life of an indoor houndie. 

I am a sweet older lady, about 6½ years old, and I love to sleep. I get up early to go outside, then I hop back into bed for some more shut-eye. One of my favorite napping places is in my sunny spot by the den window. Who doesn’t love the warmth of a good ray of sunshine on their back? I also have excellent house manners.

Since coming to foster care, I have been housetrained, and I’ll scratch at the door when I need to go out. But my foster mom lets me out every couple of hours just to make sure my training is reinforced. 

I love the people, and one of CBHR’s family is planning to adopt me. But there are many others just like me who are longing to find their forever homes. Won’t you look around on this site and see if one of us is just calling your name? When you rescue one of us, we rescue you right back! 

Contact CBHR for more information about all the wonderful basset hounds on this site! 

April 14, 2023 


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