Taffy (bonded with Copper)

Taffy (bonded with Copper)
Taffy (bonded with Copper)
Taffy (bonded with Copper)
Taffy (bonded with Copper)

About Me

Good day to you! I’m Taffy, and I came to CBHR with my bonded buddy Copper. We are quite the pair of almost 8-year-old hounds. We are super friendly and love attention from the humans. We came to CBHR because our former owners had some medical challenges and couldn’t give us the care we needed, so they decided to trust CBHR to find us a new forever home. 

Now, we aren’t perfect. We are still learning our house manners, including how to let the people know when we need to go outside for some private time. But our fosters think we will make great companions for the right family once we have mastered some good indoor skills.  

I am a happy girl and not the least bit timid with people, but I’m a bit of a perfectionist and get a little anxiety when I can’t master a command my fosters are trying to teach me. They have learned that all they need to do is give me a little time to relax, then I’m ready for the next lesson. I really want to be an A student! 

Our fosters say we are learning fast, too!  

We love our crate and never complain about going in there. We are learning our leash skills, and we enjoy meeting all the neighbors. We are good with other dogs and even get along with the foster cat and our foster chickens. I’m a little slow on the stairs, but Copper does just fine. 

 So you see, we are coming into our own and hope to be ready to meet our forever family soon. Carolina Basset Hound Rescue is a great organization with so many caring volunteers. Their goal is always to help our personalities and best qualities shine. 

If you would like to learn more about us, have a look at Copper’s bio and contact CBHR to let them know you are interested in our story. Thank, you basset fans! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go find Copper so we can get some playtime in. 

March 22, 2025 

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