Donors for November 2021

Don and Jonnie Adee
Amazon Smile
Susan Ash – In honor of Elizabeth Ash
Harriet Bingenheimer
David Boyer
Thomas and Barbara Driscoll – For Wilbur and Daisy May
Janet Goodwin and Theresa Terrell – In memory of Senora ATB
Facebook Donations for John Faulkner’s Birthday
Facebook Donations for Carson Kathi’s Birthday
Facebook Donations for Hayley Stafford Mitchell’s Birthday
Facebook Donations for Hilton Toney’s Birthday
Brinkley, Dee and Dave Gould
John and Karen Gregory
Samantha Hart – In honor of Patricia Walker
Rachael Hudson – For Beethoven
Teresa Johnson – In memory of Obie’s Mallory Ducky
George Knott
Kelli Bryant Laws – For Maggie, in memory of my basset mix Stormi
Lara Marshall – In honor of my favorite composer, Beethoven, and my favorite dog breed, basset hound!
Rachel Myers – In memory of Claire
PayPal Giving Fund
Steven Peterson
James Pike – In honor of Lisa McCutchen
Brian and Emily Reinicker – In memory of Clover
Lee and Mary Scott
Mark Sinning – In honor of Nessie and all those who helped in her recovery
Donna Small
Stacey Snyder
Leland and Laura Sullivan – In memory of Otis and Penny
Joseph Theriault

Giving Tuesday

Robin Barrow
William Busch
Sallie Carlisle
Danny Collins
Tracy Condron and Shaun Brennan
Sarah Coy
Roxanna Cummings
Cara Deshaies
W. Michael Fagan
Tim and Sharon Garner
Lisa Garrison
Carol Gasbarro
David and Linda Gilbert
Brinkley, Dee and Dave Gould
James and Kristen Haskins
Carl and Jolie Herman
Jeff and Alice Hershberger
Elizabeth Hill
Kim Hillebrand
Greg Hobbs
Richard and Judith Hoppe
David (Lee) and Marianna Johnson
Nicole Kallam
Karen Kaser Odor
Kristie Keenan
Patricia Lesch and James Swan
Laura Linder and Gary Kenton
Michael and Robyn Mahoney

Elizabeth Maikisch
Robert and Kimberly Marsh Stabb
Gregory and Deborah Mecomber
Audrey Miller
Edward Morley
David and Dawn Morton
Steven Mueller
Paul Nadeau
Nancy Parzych
Kevin Patrick and Brian Allen
Martha Perelli
George and Ara Radler
Tracy Rishel
Rebecca Robinson
Roger and Jean Sankey
Jim and Beverly Schutz
Danny and Amanda Shadrick
Dan Shoemaker
Vicki Smith
Gary Teachout
Claud Teeter
Danielle Terwilliger
Susan Weaver
Alexander and Deanna Webber
Tim White
Janet Willis
Robin Zemp

Facebook Giving Tuesday Donations

Brenda Brown
Charlotte Crowther
Sherry Cruzan
Shannon Dildy
Jacquelyne Fipps
Debra Gilstrap
Karen Herbert
Manny Magno
Anne Middleton

Joel Ross
Dee Dee Schwarz
Marlene Sockwell
Regan Van Metre
Faye Wilson
Becky Wright
Sandy D’Angelo’s Fundraiser
Lisa Pea’s Fundraiser

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