Donors for December 2022

Anne Bartee – In honor of Joanna and Nevin Ryan who adopted Molly many years ago
Elizabeth Bashore
Beer & Bassets Event
Laurie Breisch
Sarah Coy – In memory of Cash and in honor of the Burnot family his wonderful foster family
Patty and Frank Decker – In honor of Steve and Tessa Decker
Kathleen and Douglas Dropp
Jane and Mike Engleman
Facebook Donations For Maggy Klingner Morley’s birthday
Facebook Donations For Lisa Pea’s birthday
Samantha Hart – In honor of Patricia Walker
Ellen Hongo
Mescal and David Hunter – In honor of Marlene Tyson Sockwell
Inizio Pizza
Patti Jett – In memory of Teresa Blackwell
Kaye Jolly – In honor of Carol and Johnny Dye
Susan Kampe – In honor of Janis Irene Dengler
Jean Kubachko
Anne Middleton – In honor of All Basset Hounds in Rescue
Steven Mueller – In memory of Lucy Lu Mueller
Shelly Myott
Karen and Rick Odor
One Hope
James Openshaw
PayPal Giving Fund
Amanda Pearce – for Lucy
Liz and Ray Reilly – In honor of Jean and Roger Sankey
Emily and Brian Reinicker – In memory of Clover
Izzy Reynolds – Christmas gift to Mom’s favorite rescue
Jazzy Reynolds – Christmas gift to Mom’s favorite rescue
Kaden Reynolds – Christmas gift to Mom’s favorite rescue
Ruth Robeson – Forever Fosters
Pamela Rodgers
Robyn Schnessel
Joanne and John Sherlock
Madelyn and Grady Smith
Nellie Smith
Tacy Karen Smith
Michael Sonnenstein
Kathryn Swinkey – In memory of Joy
Ryan Thomas
Sarah and Grant Turinsky
Andy Wells and John Simmons – In memory of Barney and Sydney
Donna and Gregory Williams – In memory of Chipper and Whitley
Marian Wischerath – In memory of Rick Wischerath

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