Amazon Smile
Sarah Coy – From Lucy Belle & Holly Coy
Jessica DeSanna – For Mooney
Laura Donahue
Andrew and Dianne Dywan
Facebook Donations for Candance Honeycutt-Terry’s birthday
Facebook Donations for Dennis Van Winkle’s birthday
Facebook Donations for Emma Wall’s birthday
Janice Isaacs and Norma Cox – For Linus
Lisa McCutchen – For the hounds
Robert and Abby Morrris – In memory of Elton
PayPal Giving Fund
Michael Schulman and Ryan Fawcett – In memory of Bailey
Danielle Terwilliger – For Frank’s medical care
Hailey, Robert and Rebecca Tetzlaff
Dwayne (Bucky) and Belinda Wheelock – In memory of service dog, Billy Wheelock
Gregory and Donna Williams – In memory of Chipper and Whitley
Susan Wood – In memory of Addie
Charlotte Younger – In memory of all of my beloved bassets