CBHR Calendar Voting Results

Current Leaders

The top 13 vote-getters will be featured as the 12 individual months and the top one for the cover. CBHR reserves the right to take an alternate in the case that one of the winning photos does not have sufficient reolution to print well at the required size. In that case, the winner will be notified about other options.

Although this page updates in real time, there may be a few minutes delay while the PayPal transaction posts to this site.

1.   Breezy 1 659
2.   Maggie, Maisy, Charlie and Henry 577
3.   Hannah 2 537
4.   Nellie 312
5.   Blanca 283
6.   Pearl G 264
7.   Gus & Georgie 261
8.   Holly 2 250
9.   Bella & Fred 223
10.   Rudi 1 215
11.   Stella 2 205
12.   Duke 1 199
13.   Bogart 1 197
14.   Moose 2 172
15.   Otis 1 165
16.   Ellie Mae 158
17.   Etta James 2 120
18.   Otis 2 108
19.   Buster 91
20.   Moose 1 82
21.   Sebastian 77
22.   Rocky 77
23.   Holly 1 60
24.   Ralph 1 58
25.   Winston 52
26.   Archie 45
27.   Application Fee 43
28.   Rupert 33
29.   Harvey 33
30.   Bogart 2 33
31.   Blue & George 32
32.   Barney 1 31
33.   Scooter 30
34.   Ellie 26
35.   Duchess 26
36.   Dominique 25
37.   Lemon 1 24
38.   Ralph 2 23
39.   Adoption Application Fee 20
40.   Holley 1 18
41.   Lucy 17
42.   Holley 2 16
43.   Emma, Dudley, Buckaroo 16
44.   Olive 1 15
45.   Fred 15
46.   Betsie 14
47.   Oliver 13
48.   McGraw 12
49.   Copper G 11
50.   Martin 11
51.   Roscoe 11
52.   Beatrice 2 10
53.   Millie 1 10
54.   Trevor 10
55.   Etta James 1 10
56.   Barney 2 10
57.   Newman & Martin 10
58.   Penelope 9
59.   Gracie Faye 8
60.   Olive 2 7
61.   Ruby 7
62.   Seamus 7
63.   Mando 6
64.   Rudi 2 6
65.   Ella 2 6
66.   Josie 6
67.   Duke 2 6
68.   Barnaby 1 6
69.   Daisy 5
70.   Barnaby 2 5
71.   Pearl N 5
72.   Millie 2 5
73.   Bonz 5
74.   Rupert & Seamus 4
75.   Walter A 4
76.   Lemon 2 3
77.   Breezy 2 3
78.   Ella 1 3
79.   Lula 1 1
80.   Zoey 1
81.   Walter H 1

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