Sunday, December 1, 2019
Waddling in the Charleston Holiday Parade is a long-standing tradition at CBHR. Join us for our 23rd year!
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Waddling in the Charleston Holiday Parade is a long-standing tradition at CBHR. Join us for our 23rd year!
Friday, October 25, 2019, in Charleston
Join us for this fun-filled event for pets and humans. Be sure to stop by the CBHR booth and see the hounds.
It's time for the 2020 Calendar and Contest! We will be accepting photos from September 2-9. Once the entries are compiled, ballots will be sent out so that the masses can select their ten favorite photos. The photo receiving the most votes will receive the much coveted honor of gracing the cover as well as one month, and one year’s supply of unlimited bragging rights.
Carolina Basset Hound Rescue will be participating in the annual Matthews Alive Parade, Saturday, August 31. It starts promptly at 9:30 am. We will meet at a designated site at 8:30. Exact location will be announced two weeks prior. Please let Dawn Egnaczak know if you are able to participate. We will have the pooped pup truck for our older and tiring bassets.
Anyone who has done any home visits at all, knows what interesting people you meet and what unique places you visit. Over the years, I have seen some beautiful homes and landscapes and have met some wonderful people and pets. One home visit I did was to a farm where the residents had “fainting goats”. Yes, there is such a thing! And I’ve seen so many breeds of dogs.