Author: robin


Rocky, the Miracle Hound

Little Rocky came to CBHR very sick weighing only 23 pounds at 11 months. He had a rare, very serious liver condition

June 24, 2019August 11, 2019In Blog

UNCHAINED with Hope, Faith, and Grace

One of the hardest things to accept is the chaining of dogs outside for restraint. Dogs are social beings who thrive on interaction with people and animals

June 24, 2019August 11, 2019In Blog

Short on Stash

With the start of summer upon us, the heat is on, and it happened very quickly here in the Carolinas! We are already having above 90F days and our hounds are definitely feeling the effects. Not only does summer bring scorching sun, but the heat is on for CBHR too. CBHR always experiences a substantial increase in the...

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