CBHR Home Visit Form

Thank You for Conducting the Home Visit

This form is used for virtual or in-person home visits, for either foster or adoption applications.

Download printed copy of form.

Section A: General Information

Type of visit:

Type of application:

Is this a renewal of home visit?

Section B: House and Yard

What type of housing?

Rent or own?

Does home have central heat/air and adequate ventilation?

If no central heat/air, what type of cooling/heating/ventilation systems are in place?

Is yard fenced?

If yes:

What type of fence (chain link, privacy, picket, electric, etc.)?

Is the fenced area adequately sized for the dog?

Is the fence secure, free from holes, gaps, and weaknesses? If a virtual visit, have the applicant walk the perimeter of the fence and show you the entire fence. If in person, please walk the perimeter and inspect.

If no, please note problems:

If no fencing:

Discuss importance of leash walks and exercise?

Remind to never let dog have free roam outside?

Is there a hot tub or pool?

If yes, is dog adequately protected from entry into the hot tub or pool?

If no, please note problems:

Section C: Family and Other Pets

Is the family currently fostering, or has the family previously fostered for another rescue or shelter?

If so, please give name of organization and details.

Does the family have children?

If yes, how many, and what are the ages?

Does the entire family seem happy and committed to the idea of taking in a homeless basset?

Does the family have other pets?

If NO, skip to Section D: Plans for the New CBHR Basset Hound.

If YES, list pets here (type, breed, age). Include all pets, even types other than dogs.

Are the pets getting along?

Are the pets clean?

The dogs are on heartworm preventative. When is the next dose due?

If the applicant currently has one or more dogs, what are the dogs fed?

How often are the dogs fed?

Are food/water bowls (inside and outside) clean and of adequate size?

Are there toys, chews, treats, and beds provided for any current dogs?

Section D: Plans for the NEW CBHR Basset Hound

Where will the basset be kept during the day?

If outside, what provisions will be made for shelter and water?

Where will the basset sleep?


If crate is to be used, is it adequately sized and in good condition?

Are there any questions regarding housetraining, barking, or chewing?

Please capture any questions regarding housetraining, barking, or chewing below:

Explain each of the following:

Applications and home visits are approved by the adoption/foster home manager or an officer of Carolina Basset Hound Rescue.

CBHR recommends twice daily feedings, more if the dog is malnourished.

Explain what heartworms are and discuss the importance of monthly heartworm preventive.

Importance of bathing, nail trimming, ear cleaning.

Telephone CBHR immediately if the fostered dog is lost or stolen.

Notify CBHR at least one week prior to any change of address.

Do not transfer the adopted/fostered dog to any other person.

Notify CBHR if you are no longer able to keep the dog. Once a CBHR dog, always a CBHR dog. All dogs are welcome back to the rescue, and CBHR wishes that all prospective next caretakers go through the same process as you did.

Please provide a final summary of the home visit:

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