Donors for May 2023

Amazon Smile
Jeffrey and Kaitlin Atkin – In memory of Bella, Rex and Zoey
Amy Camilli – In memory of my sweet Ellie Mae
CBHR Yard Sale Proceeds
Van and Karen Cornatzer
Charlotte Crowther
Bonnie Dill – In honor of Sparkle, the basset
Eileen and Steuer Guy
Elizabeth Ellinger – For most needed
Facebook Donations – Fundraiser for Chris Lener’s birthday
Facebook Donations – Fundraiser for Kelsie’s birthday
Facebook Donations – Feed Fundraiser
Shirley Gerken
Madux Price and Nancy Gonzalez
Patricia A Halsey
David Orvin and Caroline Ilderton
Alfred Kakishiba – For intake costs
Cynthia and Susan Kirby
Henry Link – In memory of Riley S Brooks
Sandy McGinnis – In memory of our basset, Forrest Gump
Rob Miller – In Memory of Kay Turnage Hill
Edward Morley – In memory of Maggie
Samuel Needleman
One Hope
PayPal Giving Fund
Wade Phair
Ann Robins – In memory of Boo Radley
Stacy Russell
Russell and Delya Schwarz – For Stella
Vicki Smith – For intake of new bassets
Jim and Shari Tompkins – In memory of Lee Andersen
John Simmons and Andy Wells – In memory of Barney and Sydney
Faye Wilson – Medical needs in memory of Otis
Wines for Whiskers Event
Robin Zemp – In memory of Boo Radley

April Showers Campaign

Angie Addison
Don and Johnnie Adee
Roger and JoAnn Amidon
Tracey Anderson
Ted and Leslie Arrington
Roy Avedon
Angie Bagley
William Becker
Michael Hemstreet and Kera Belcher
Bill and Patricia Bendell
Henry and Carolyn Benedict
Leslie Bensinger
Mark and Tina Benson
Tiffany Bernhardt
Pamela Bigler
Lara Bird
Leigh Bolick
Harry and Suzanne Boyd
Bonnie Braden
Karl and Karen Brenneman
Lee and Kim Briley
Daniel Brooks
Roger and Angela Brown
Steve and Beth Burnett
Janet Byrd
Josh and Stephanie Caddell
Cathy Campbell
Mitchell and Patricia Campbell
Sallie Carlisle
Jill Celeste
Richard and Annette Cheney
Lisa Cherry
Mike and Connie Cicchinelli
Lou and Becky Cipriano
DJ and Kelly Clark
Susan Cline
Caitlin Cohen
Jamie and Alison Collins
Danny and Rachel Collins
Karen Carr and Suzanne Colwell
Shaun Brennan and Tracy Condron
Sarah Coy
Jim and Sherry Cruzan
Tim Carey and Kathleen Dalton
Jeff and Karen Deal
Brian DeBlasio
Frank and Patty Decker
Jeffrey Foshee and Elke Dennis
Cara Deshaies
Brittany Doshi
Sheri Doubrley
Amanda Dow
Michelle Dowdy
Thomas and Barbara Driscoll
Rodney and Carol Driver
Douglas and Kathleen Dropp
Daniel Dutelle
John and Carol Dye
Andrew and Dianne Dywan
Cynthia E Eccles
Sarah Emmel
Elizabeth Erfert
James Erfert
Facebook Donations
W Michael Fagan
Nan Fetters
Lisa Fitzpatrick
Carol Flannery
Brian Fons
Tim and Sharon Zwain Garner
Donna Garske
Mary Garwood
Ronny Gibson
Michael and Mary Goldberg
Peter B and Veronica D Goodrich
Deidre Gould
Ronald and Sandy Graham
John Greene
Linda Gregory
Stephen Haire
Tracye Hall
Steve Tanner and Ella Hall-Tanner
Patricia A Halsey
C Tayloe Harding
Elizabeth Harmon
Jamie Harper
Brian Harris
Leighton Loraine and Patricia Harris
Carol-Lee Harshner
Charles Haynes
Ray and Jan Henriques
Carl and Jolie Herman
Jeff and Alice Hershberger
Vera B Herst
Christopher and Michele Hewson
Elizabeth Hill
Kim Hillebrand
Ellen Hongo
Elizabeth Gerken Hooten

Pete and Zelda Howell
Dan and Kathi Immordino
Donald Ingraham
Christine Jacob
Deb Jones
Kristie Keenan
Percy and Sandra Keighley
Coleen Kennedy
Garreth Kenyon
Susan Kimball
David S King
Wendy King
Ron and Melissa Laxton
Brenda Lederman
James Swan and Patricia Lesch
Nancy S Lopez
Michael and Robyn Mahoney
Anne Maitre
Jess and Judy Major
Debbie Malta
Bill and Mary Manion
Daniel Mark
Drake Maynard
Steve and Kimberly McAvoy
Carolyn McCollum
Mike Edwards and Angie McCormick
Cristie McCormick
Lynda McGuirk
Lon Petrini and Meghan McGuirt
Deborah McNeish
Robin Meyer
Madeline Miller
Patricia Millis
Dennis Mooney
Celeste Moore
Karin Morley
Shelley Myott
Ryan Naro
Garrett Nevenhoven
Charles Nimitz
Nim Norris
Rick and Karen Odor
Scott Padgett
Andrew Paradise
Brian Allen and Kevin Patrick
Linae C Paulsen
Andy Stern and Judy Pellarin
Martha Perelli
Maureen Petrini
Catherine Policastro
Maryanne Poole
Abbey Pope
Glenn and Mary Ann Preston
Nan Rainey
Michael and Kay Rankin
Emily Rassam
Michael and Tina Ridler
Linda Robbins
Rebecca Robinson
Kaye Rollin
Andy Ronemus
Bob and Ronni Rose
Whit and Harriett Rutter
William Rutter
Jennifer Sales
Bruce and Kathleen Salsbury
Steve and Brenda Saunders
Ryan Fawcett and Michael Schulman
Jim and Beverly Schutz
Danny and Amanda Shadrick
Jerilyn Small
Jeffrey Stajich
Jim and Faith Stires
Donna Stone
Leland and Laura Sullivan
Lisa Sullivan
David and Carol Sweatman
John and Heather Szymankiewicz
Gary Teachout
Jon and Beth Van Tol
Nikki Villanueva
Margaret Vogt
Tom and Virginia Waldrop
James and Patricia Walker
David and Ann Weatherby
Christopher Weisel
Jeffery White
Jeffery and Paula White
Kate Whitlock
Gregory and Donna Williams
Austin and Susan Willis
Cathey J Winfield
John and Laura Wright
Kent Burkey and Kathryn Yensen
Krystal York
Thomas York

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