

About Me

*Harriet crossed the Rainbow Bridge on November 25, 2024. Thanks to CBHR’s many generous donors, she  was able to live out her days in the care and love of her foster family while receiving necessary medical treatment.*

My name is Harriet, and I’ve had a rough life recently. I came to a shelter in Hoke County as a stray, and sadly, no one contacted them to reclaim me. So I came to CBHR, where I found a loving foster family, some good medical care and a nice, warm bed.  

And I’m so thankful to CBHR because I have many ongoing medical needs, and I will need a very special, dedicated forever family. Among other things, I have a kidney problem that requires a special diet, high blood pressure and a heart murmur, and recurring mammary lesions that are being evaluated. This volunteer organization is making sure I get all the care I need for now!

I’m a very sweet senior girl, about 12 years old, and my foster mom says I am just adorable. Well, I can’t argue with that! I’ve never met a stranger, and I love being around people of all ages. 

In fact, the only times I get nervous are in the car, since I’m still getting used to that, and if I am left alone. As a former stray, I think I am just afraid I’ll be left behind.  

I really enjoy my walks and meeting the neighbors. I get along with other dogs and don’t bother the cat. I let the people know when I have to go out and I am housebroken, but as an older lady, I also have some bladder control issues that result in some accidents, but I have learned to use the pee pads put out for me on such occasions.

However, I really enjoy being with people and hanging around the house. I know I have some challenges, but my fosters say I’m well-behaved. If you think you might have the ability and desire to care for an older houndie with medical needs, contact CBHR and tell them Harriet sent you! 

Updated December 17, 2023 

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