Jonnie and Don Adee
Amazon Smile
American Online Giving Foundation
Amber Brock
Heidi and Mike Brown – In memory of my sweet Elvis T
Peter Brown
Patrica and Mitchell Campbell – Medical needs
Daniel Dutelle
Todd Dyrda – In memory of Butters
Facebook Donations for Bonnie Dill’s birthday
Facebook Donations for Diana Sickafus’s Giving Tuesday Fundraiser
Facebook Donations for MaryAnne Pooles’ Giving Tuesday Fundraiser
Facebook Donations for Tanya Philo’s birthday
Katie Frank – In memory of Georgia
Deidre and David Gould
Stephen Haire
Samantha Hart – In honor of Patricia Walker
Charles Haynes – In memory of Mortimer
Shannon Hein
Susan Hildreth
Jason Horner
Catherine Howard
Janice Isaacs and Norma Cox
Michelle Johnson – Giving Tuesday
David S King – In memory of my beloved Josephine
Brittany Lester – In memory of Lulabella Green Jones
Lisa and Gwyn McCutchen
Marie and Lawrence Stone McGee – In memory of Roxy
Paul Mohr – In memory of Bailey
Jeffery Oliver
PayPal Giving Fund
Kathy Peacock – Bark Box sales for the 12 bassets
John Pelletier
Steven Peterson
Joel Ross – In memory of Moon
Carol and Dennis Smith
Vicki Smith – In honor of Jackie Shook’s birthday
Steven Spencer
Linda and David Stamps
Kim TeGrootenhuis – In honor of Sarah Coy
Brenda Warden – In honor of Lucy
A Dozen Basset Hounds Campaign
Dana Affleck
Frances Albury
Courtney Alpert
JoAnn and Roger Amidon
Andrea Ando-Albert
Doug Arbogast
Samantha Barczy Long
Susan Baughman
William Becker
Helen Bell
Debbie Benham
Leslie Bensinger
Mollie and Gregg Bergstrom
Tiffany Bernhardt
Vanessa Billy
Leigh Bolick
Brenda Bouvier
Angela Brown
Jane Brown
Treva Bullard
Sam Butera
Sam Butera
Stephanie Caddell
Susan Cadwell
Cari Cannon
Carrie Carbone
Tim Carey and Kathleen Dalton
Sallie Carlisle
Pam Catoe
Mary Charlton
Sebastien Charroud
Kelly and DJ Clark
Susan Clark
Jennifer Clarke
Alison and Jamie Collins
Danny Collins
Laura Collins
Suzanne Colwell and Karen Carr
Cassandra Conroy
Katie Conyers
Jan Cook
Jane Cooper
Kathy Corbeill
Karen and Van Cornatzer
Richard Cox
Sarah Coy
Lori Craig
Amanda Crawford
Lisa Creef
Roxanna Cummings
Deborah and Doug Cuthill
Kami David
Cara Deshaies
Carol and Rodney Driver
Kathleen and Douglas Dropp
Kathy Dunn-Ireland
Cynthia E Eccles
Kristen Edward
Marie Ellender
Sarah Emmel
Elizabeth Erfert
James Erfert
Carisa Erion
Ann and John Evans
Sherida and Liz Feazell
Lisa Fisher
Lisa Fitzpatrick
Anne Fogleman
Evelyn Foley
Lynn Foley
Thurston Fonswell Iii
Terry Foreman and Gary Streett
Thom Freeman-Stuart
Meredith Fultz
Amanda and Brandon Gabriele
Donna Garske
Carol Gasbarro
Linda and David Gilbert
Jordanne Godwin
Katherine and Jeffrey Golliher
Deidre and David Gould
Melody and Logan Gray
MJ Gremillion
John Griffin
Terri Griffith
Natalie Guzman
Karen Gwyn
Stephen Haire
Tim Hamilton
Elizabeth Harmon
Jamie Harper
Michele Harris
Patricia Harris and Leighton Loraine
Carol-Lee Harshner
Kristen and Jamie Haskins
Karen Herbert
Vera B Herst
Jessica Hill
Kim Hillebrand
Amy Hooker
Robert Hufham
Diana Humphrey
Lauren Humphreys
Erin and Dane Hunter
Donald Ingraham
Robbie-Lane Jackson
Christine Jacob
Orly Jalowski
Sherry and Daniel Jasinski
Margarete Johnson
Laura Jollay
Deb Jones
Heather Jones
Mary Margaret Jones
Mary Ann and Tom Karriker
Kristi Keenan
Coleen Kennedy
Susan Kimball
Virginia Klein
Mary Korns
June and Chuck Larson
Debbie Lawrimore
Erin Lawrimore
Shauna Lee
Sarah Lefebvre
David Leon
Patti Lesch and Jim Swan
Tammie Lesesne
Chip Little
Teresa Lopez
Toni Lowery
David Lowrey
Aaron Lucier and Clifton Hill
Heather Lugo
Jeff Mabon and Allie Shukraft
Joe Mac
David Mahvi
Susan Marker
Julianne Marley and Mark Clarke
Chrissy and Lenny Martucci
Marla Mason
Kimberly and Steve McAvoy
Valerie McCarty
Jeannine Mcelveen
Madeline Mckay
Mandy Mclellan
Julie Mcneill
Deborah and Gregory Mecomber
Myrna Meehan
Carolyn Meeks
Lori Miller
Stephanie Miller
Christine Minor
Leann Monnett Hubbard
Debbie Moran
Edward Morley
Peggy Morris
Judith Mount
Garrett Nevenhoven
Rebecca Nichols
Jennifer Nicholson
Carol Nimitz
Mary Nutter
Mary Ogden
Dara O’Toole
Beverly Bloch Owens
Jennifer and James Owens
Terry Owers
Lydia Padgett
Holly Page
Mendy and Kendall Page
Phil Page
Kyle Parshall
Kevin Patrick and Brian Allen
John Patterson
Linae C Paulsen
Patricia Pegram
Judy Pellarin and Andy Stern
Martha Perelli
Therese Phillips Chomout
Peggy Pollack
Jill Pratt
Mary Ann and Glenn Preston
Kristen Raborg
Amelie and Ron Raczkowski
Ara and George Radler
Gay Radosevich
Kay and Michael Rankin
Amy Razeghi and Laura Southcombe
Diane Rebhann
Kelly Redding
Danielle Reynolds
Kelcye Richards
Tina and Michael Ridler
Linda Robbins
Kaye Rollin
Andy Ronemus
Cheryl Rop
Kimberly Roque
Michael Roth
Jean and Roger Sankey
Melissa Schattgen
Joanna Schaumburg
Barbara Schiappa
Gloria Schorie
Dee Dee Schwarz
Lisa Sclafani
Regina Seaton-Oertle
Amanda Shadrick
Carolyn Shepard
Lisa Shumpert
Deborah Simmons
Laura Simmons
John Sinderman
Jan Sisson
Jeri Small
Jennifer Smith
Tacy Karen Smith
Janet Smith Rock
Erin Snider
Eric Snyder
Liberty Snyder
Liberty Snyder
Sherry Snyder
Marlene and Lee Sockwell
Alicia Sontag
Marcia Stacy
Lou Stark
Juli Stemmermann-Burda
David Stephenson
Lee Stepp
Andrea Stilley
Martha Stuart
Laura and Leland Sullivan
Lisa Sullivan
Paula Swaney
Penny Szot
Tassart Family Charitable Fund
Beth Thomasson
Lynn Tiffany
John Trask
Beth and Jon Van Tol
Patrica and Merton Vance
Monique Vandersteur
Sarah Varga and Mike Grubbs
Marilyn Varilone
Angela Vergas
Margaret Vogt
Melissa Wagner
Chris Waldman
Virginia and Tom Waldrop
Brent Walker
Patrica and James Walker
Susan Weaver
Leslie Whinery
Paula and Jeffery White
Meagan Whitesmith
Danielle and Bruce Whittington
Rita and Gerald Wilkie
Sarah Williams
Janet Willis
Gail Wilson
David T Wilt
Joan and James Wilt
Jeremiah Windle Windlewindle
Kimberly Winkeler
Melanie Winkle
Jack Woolbert
Karen Wotton
Cady Wu
Kathryn Yensen and Kent Burkey