Hank (bonded with Holly)

Hank (bonded with Holly)
Hank (bonded with Holly)
Hank (bonded with Holly)
Hank (bonded with Holly)
Hank (bonded with Holly)
Hank (bonded with Holly)
Hank (bonded with Holly)
Hank (bonded with Holly)
Hank (bonded with Holly)

About Me

Hi, everyone, I’m Hank! You’ll see that I am part of a bonded pair, along with Holly. Foster Mom says I’m a fun-loving guy who behaves a lot like the young dog I am. (By the way, in the photos of us together, I’m the one with the darker head and the oh-so-handsome face.)

I love to do zoomies around the house when I’m in a playful mood, which is often. I do well with people and other dogs, but I do take a little while to warm up to unfamiliar men. I’m not a fan of cats. 

When I slow down, I’m a good lap dog and couch potato, and I really do well in a crate. I do need some help with my manners, especially my penchant for surfing the counter for food. I do take treats politely when offered, however, and I respond well to verbal commands.  

Of the two of us, I’m a little more submissive than Holly (I prefer to think of myself as “laid back”), but we get along well. We were returned to CBHR by our adoptive mom because her situation changed and she couldn’t spend much time with us. We are still settling into our new foster home, but CBHR will keep you updated about our progress.  

March 11, 2022 


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