- Last year was so much fun.. let’s do it again!
- Submissions: Now – Sept. 20 to calendar@cbhr.com.
- Voting will take place September 25 through October 14.
- Winners will be announced October 21.
- Calendar sales will start approximately November 1 (we promise you will have them for the holidays)!
Hello Friends of CBHR,
It’s that time again, the annual CBHR Calendar Contest. Will your lovely lady or dashing dude be our centerfold?
Once again, it is time to stuff the ballot box! Votes will be $1 each. In the spirit of fun and raising money for our beloved foster hounds, reach out to your friends and family and encourage them to “stuff that ballot box” in honor of your beloved hound! Voting will begin on Monday, September 26 and continue through midnight Friday, October 14. Keep your eyes on your mailbox for the link to stuff that ballot box (and you will be able to vote directly at www.cbhr.com starting September 26).
We will be accepting photos from NOW through September 20 at midnight Eastern Standard Time. The photo receiving the most votes will receive the much coveted honor of gracing the cover as well as one month, and one year’s supply of unlimited bragging rights. The next 11 highest vote-getters will grace the remaining months.
Beyond the top 12, the remaining submitted photos will be featured in the daily blocks throughout the calendar.
- Please help us by following the rules. We receive hundreds of submissions, and the only way we can process everything so the voting can open on time is to have submissions as orderly as possible. WE REALLY APPRECIATE YOU HELPING US!
- The basset in the picture should be a basset or basset-like- it doesn’t matter if the hound is your personal basset or a basset you’re fostering, or sadly, one who may be at the bridge. Young or senior, long or short, here or gone, from CBHR or just a fan of CBHR, they are all beautiful!
- Only 2 photos per family will be accepted. If you submit more than 2, we will choose the first 2 attached to the email.
- Check your photo’s size (about 2MB or larger in size). If you send from your phone and it asks you, “small, medium, large, or original size”, send it original size.
- Rename your photo using the following format (change the file name of the actual photo. Please do not submit “image_12345”:
Cal_DogFirstName_DogLastName_1, Cal_DogFirstName_DogLastName_2,
(ie, Cal_Zoe_Snyder_1). - ATTACH your photos as a file to the email submission, please do not embed them in the email. The subject line for your email should be: DogFirstName DogLast Name 2023 Calendar Submission (ie, Zoe Snyder 2023 Calendar Submission).
- If your photo does not meet the requirements, you will be notified. We want to give you the option to submit an alternative photo.
- For Monthly Main Photos- Submitted photos need to be high resolution (about 2MB or bigger in size). Yes, you can use your iPhone, but turn it sideways for the best result (horizontal, left to right, side to side ). If your photos are in portrait orientation, they may or may not be usable, we just cannot guarantee they will work, so your best chance will be to submit a landscape orientation! Our printer has requirements for printing in order to not render a photo blurry when enlarged. If your photo wins and will not print appropriately, you will be contacted at that time.
- For Daily Block Photos- Landscape or Portrait are eligible to receive votes.
- All entries must be submitted to me by September 20 at midnight Eastern Standard Time.
Please email your photos to calendar@cbhr.com along with your name, email, and a good contact number.
We can’t wait to see some awesome basset photos!
Feel free to contact me with questions!
Stacey Snyder